Owner of Local Remodeling Company Has an “AHA” Moment

The owner of the bathroom remodeling Long Island NY organization hit what can be termed as a EUREKA moment when he stumbled on a fact in a business book. He had decided to go on a personal retreat to sharpen his leadership and management skills. The first book he read helped him to discover things that he needs to do if he was to move his business to the next level. However, he saw the new facts that he gleaned as predominantly meant to help him become a better leader. The lights came up when he read the second book that shared about the things an organization must do if they want to be the best in their industry.

The major point in the book was the idea of helping each employee to become an intrapreneur. This means people are to think as the owners of the business and take positive initiative no matter the level of their engagement. The owner of the company immediately knew that this is the major marker that will define his future and business. He quickly arranged for the staff to go on a weekend business retreat to talk about ways to implement this new discovery. He chose the Lakehaven as the ideal spot that will help them to connect to their inner genius.

Beyond the rich history that Lakehaven has as one of the major points of idea generation for businesses, it has a convenient atmosphere that helps staff to bond. During the retreat, the owner of the business talked about the concept of being an intrapreneur. He told the staff that he was going to give them room to take decisions that can help to move the company forward. He encouraged them to talk about ideas which they felt can help the company to become the best at what they do. Many points were raised in the interaction with the staff and this formed the basis of enacting new company policies.

There was a practical session in which the owner of the business told the staff to think about 5 ways to improve what they do. It was enlightening to discover that some of the best ideas came from lowly ranked staff. They had a fresh perspective to their business operations and this made the CEO decide to make the business retreat an annual event. Also, people were asked to help the HR team to formulate ways in which the ideas can be implemented as part of their business culture.

At the end of the retreat, one of the things that stood out was that no one will give excuses for not delivering in their part of the deal. They were empowered to work as entrepreneurs within the organization. Another point that brought a hearty cheer among the staff is that the owner of the business stated that he will share part of the business’ profits with the staff. He said this was one of the ways to show everyone that they are now part-owners of the company. He thanked the staff for their cooperation over the years and asked them to continue to support the company’s initiatives.